>> On the other hand, GS's new PDF engine no longer contains a PS
>> interpreter; it is possible that `extractpdfmark` doesn't work
>> anymore, and we have to find something new...
> This is wrong, or at least the new PDF *interpreter* (which is, in
> my understanding, not to be confused with the PDF driver to output
> PDF) in itself is not to blame here: The new interpreter was already
> enabled by default in Ghostscript 9.56 and this version still works
> perfectly fine, yielding small PDF sizes together with
> extractpdfmark.

Yes, you get small files, BUT: If I compile LilyPond out of the box
using GS version 9.56.1 or 10.0.0 together with `extractpdfmark`, I
get PDF files with many hyperlinks gone.  I've just tried compilation
again with current git: `notation.pdf` is about 6MByte and doesn't
contain any internal links: just try the table of contents.  For me,
this looks like the PDF interpreter ignoring `notation.pdfmark`.

Jonas, how do you compile?  Do you get something better?


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