> OK, I have found something that looks bad on my system, although I
> can't reproduce Lukas' problem: for me, this:
> ```
> \version "2.23.82"
> \markup
> $(markup-lambda (layout props x) (markup?)
>    (let ((stil (interpret-markup layout props x)))
>      (pretty-print (ly:stencil-expr stil) (current-error-port))
>      stil))
> \override #'(font-encoding . fetaText) "♯"
> ```
> "/usr/share/fonts/lilypond/emmentaler-20.otf" <<<== Whoops

Yes, whoops!

> I don't even understand how that can work. How is Fontconfig finding
> the Emmentaler fonts in the LilyPond package?

At startup, LilyPond loads `.../share/lilypond/x.yy.z/fonts/*.conf` to
register LilyPond fonts.  Looking into the files I see that there are
no directories mentioned, which apparently makes FontConfig on your
box find the other directory first.

Masamichi-san, can you advise a solution?  Would it be possible and
would make it sense to add a directory specifier to


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