Le 12/12/2022 à 01:36, Jean Abou Samra a écrit :
Le 12/12/2022 à 01:20, Jean Abou Samra a écrit :Werner will know about this better than me, but I am still curious. What does this give you?\version "2.23.82" #(ly:message "~s" (ly:font-config-get-font-file "emmentaler-20")) \markup "♯"Sorry, \markup "♯" should've been \markup \override #'(font-encoding . fetaText) "♯" OK, I have found something that looks bad on my system, although I can't reproduce Lukas' problem: for me, this: \version "2.23.82" \markup $(markup-lambda (layout props x) (markup?) (let ((stil (interpret-markup layout props x))) (pretty-print (ly:stencil-expr stil) (current-error-port)) stil)) \override #'(font-encoding . fetaText) "♯" prints: (utf-8-string "emmentaler-20 7.029296875" "♯" (translate-stencil (0.0 . 0.0) (glyph-string #<Pango_font (#f . 1.0)> "Emmentaler-20" 7.029296875 #f ((1.0925858267716535 (-0.25200694820374014 . 2.2520245155634844) 0.0 0.0 "accidentals.sharp.figbass")) "/usr/share/fonts/lilypond/emmentaler-20.otf" <<<== Whoops 0 "♯" ((3 . 1))))) Note the path in /usr/share/fonts/lilypond, which is a folder provided by the lilypond package from my Fedora system, although it is not that LilyPond that I am running. This means that the new text-mode accidentals are being found by Fontconfig in the LilyPond version installed from the system instead of the current LilyPond version. Obviously, this is very bad.
Lukas, do you happen to have an older version of LilyPond installed globally, like 2.22?
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