Hi Aaron, > It should be possible for the helper to accept a single fraction as well, so > both of these usages could work: > %%%% > \time \note-denom 6/8 ;; slash means simple numeric fraction > \time \note-denom 2 4. ;; no slash means scalar and duration > %%%%
Well, that’s something — thanks! > But is \note-denom doing anything useful for the simple case? Users would > probably just want to say \time 6/8 directly and cut out the middle man. Then how does the TimeSignature know to have a note glyph on the bottom? Is there *also* a #'style change involved? > Functions can accept ly:music? and you can drill down to determine if it > contains TimeSignatureMusic and modify its properties. The only issue is > that currently \time (and TimeSignatureMusic) require the denominator to be a > number. You can convert 2/4. to its logical equivalent of 6/8 but key > information is lost. \note-denom cannot magically recover the original > intention to be able to render the signature as the user wanted. If 2/4. is the value entered, do we have access to the num (2) after the conversion to 6/8 has happened? If so, I could “reverse engineer” the 2/4. from (num . denom) = (6 . 8). Thanks! Kieren. ________________________________ Kieren MacMillan, composer (he/him/his) ‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info ‣ email: kie...@kierenmacmillan.info