Hi David, > Since they are the same, I have no idea how you arrive at the conclusion > that it is possible to have one work but not the other.
You’re not extrapolating the concept, as I have been asking people to, so I’ll once again make it more explicit for you: I want the user to be able to say \tweak style #'note-denom \time 3/4. or \tweak style #'note-denom \time #'(3 . "4.") or \tweak style #'note-denom \time #'(3 . {4.}) or basically any other intuitive input that would allow a dotted duration for the denominator, which would pass through the parser to the TimeSignature formatting function(s) without “loss” (as per Aaron described it). Unless I’ve totally misunderstood this thread, none of the three inputs typed above will work without parser changes, possible backwards compatibility problems, etc. But I’m happy for you to tell me that I’m wrong, and that one of them can work with minimal developmental effort. — Kieren ________________________________ Kieren MacMillan, composer (he/him/his) ‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info ‣ email: kie...@kierenmacmillan.info