Hi Kieren,

See my “stylesheet” comment earlier in the thread: in a perfect world, a user 
should be able to take any existing score and simply add

    \override Score.TimeSignature.style = #'note-denom

and the output would be “as expected” — with a new function, a 
search-and-replace (with possible “fancy” manipulation of the arguments) is 
required every time the user wants to switch between styles. I personally 
consider that inelegant, or at the very least suboptimal, especially when 
Lilypond offers such a generous “global” context modification mechanism.

All that being said: The tide of resistance to finding the optimal 
implementation is evident, so I think I’ll just give up and add a new function 
in order to move the patch/feature forward.

Oh, please don't give up just yet! :-)

You can very well have both: A TimeSignature style that turns old-fashioned \time 3/4 into "3 over a crotchet", and a vast generalization of the \time machinery that also accepts durations, tied combinations of durations etc. (and which, for simple durations like 4,8,16 etc., falls back to standard \time 3/4 behaviour).

Question: What should happen if TimeSignature.style = #'note-denom is _not_ set, but the user does \time 4 { 8.~8 } ? Should this emit a warning "can't display this in current style", or ... ?


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