Hi Jean, > I am not entirely comfortable with > \time #'(4 . 4) > and > \time #'(4 . "4") > doing so different things
Those would do the same thing, no? Those should both give the equivalent of \time 4/4 only that they would take different routes to get there. > Also, how do you integrate > the functionality of \compoundMeter into this? Presumably > you might want the ability to write > \time #'("4" . ("4" "8")) Yes, something like that. > for what Elaine wrote as {4}/{4 8} I’m clearly missing a bunch of emails, since yours is the only one I’ve received…? > except that the Scheme expressions > '("4" . ("4" "8")) > and > '("4" "4" "8") > are entirely equivalent Well that’s inconvenient (and somewhat confusing/unintuitive). Cheers, Kieren.