Hi Jean,

> A unified \time command is
> not trivial to achieve from a parsing perspective. If the
> syntax of the argument is "4/4.", there is work to be done
> in the parser to let it accept it. "4 4." is feasible with
> a separate function, but I am pretty sure it isn't with
> a unified music function. Again, fiddling with the parser
> would be required.

Currently, both

    \time 4/4


    \time #'(4 . 4)

are accepted, and return the same thing. So no parser-fiddling is required (I 
believe?), as long as you change \time so that it accepts a pair:

time =
#(define-music-function (beat-structure fraction)
  ((number-list? '()) pair?)

At that point, the only issue is to turn

    \time #'(4 . "4.")

into an number num and a *duration* (not number) denom… which again doesn’t 
required parser-fiddling, correct?

> Freestyle protocol. Basically, I think it's helpful
> if you prepare a patch and post it, either on the
> mailing list in an attachment, or on GitLab (marking
> the merge request as draft, just start the title with
> "Draft:" for that).

All right!


Kieren MacMillan, composer (he/him/his)
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: kie...@kierenmacmillan.info

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