BTW, Gould gives the following example in her book (also noting that
it would be better to use 15/16 together with a '2+3 sempre' remark
8 ~ 8.
(the tilde denotes a tie).
Sorry if I miss the point completely (I only skimmed part of the e-mail
This reminds me of the \rhythm markup function that David K. once
suggested (if I recall it correctly); the version I'm currently using is:
\version "2.23.4"
#(define-markup-command (rhythm layout props content) (ly:music?)
#:properties ((time #f))
(interpret-markup layout props #{
\markup {
\score {
\new RhythmicStaff \with {
\override StaffSymbol.line-count = 0
\override Rest.staff-position = 2
\override BarLine.bar-extent = #'(-0.5 . 2)
\override TimeSignature.Y-offset = 0.5
#(if (not time)
#{ \with {
\remove Time_signature_engraver
} #})
#(if time #{ \time $time #})
\layout {
indent = 0
#(layout-set-staff-size 12)
} #}))
\markup \rhythm { 8 ~ 8. }
This could be used for a \time variant:
wernerTime =
#(define-music-function (num den) (positive? ly:music?)
\override Timing.TimeSignature.stencil =
#(lambda (grob)
\markup \override #'(baseline-skip . 0) \center-column {
\number #(number->string num)
\rhythm { \voiceTwo #den }
\time 4/4 % of course that's crazy
\set Timing.measureLength =
(ly:music-length den)
(ly:make-moment num))
\wernerTime 3 { 8 ~ 8. }
\repeat unfold 15 c'16
\wernerTime 1 { 8. }
\repeat unfold 9 c'16
Of course there's a lot of work undone - in particular, constructing a
beat structure out of the given rhythm.