Kieren MacMillan <> writes:

> Hi Aaron,
>> Technically, you could create string->duration:
>> %%%%
>> #(define (string->duration str)
>>  (let* ((parser (ly:parser-clone '()))
>>         (music (ly:parse-string-expression parser str)))
>>   (if (ly:duration? music) music (ly:error "Expecting duration"))))
>> { b' $(string->duration "4.") c'' $(string->duration "8") }
>> %%%%
> Thanks.Just wanted to make sure I wasn’t reinventing a wheel!
>> But it would seem better to let the parser do the work by having the
>> function accept a ly:duration? directly.  Certainly, it would be
>> easier to use:
>> %%%%
>> \timeII 3 4.  % logically \time 9/8
>> %%%%
> I considered a separate function, but rejected the idea for several
> reasons (backwards compatibility,

Why would there be any issue with backwards compatibility?

> incompatibility with “stylesheet” mentality,

I have no idea what that is supposed to mean.

> etc.). That being said, if \time can be re-coded so that it will
> accept a duration for the “denom” *without breaking existing code or
> requiring a convert-ly rule*, then that would be home run!

I have no idea what you are even imagining here because the denominator
for \time is not written as a separate number in the first place.

David Kastrup

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