Am Sonntag, den 25.10.2020, 14:42 +0100 schrieb Jonas Hahnfeld:
> As the title says. We still need to merge the PO translations (see
> ) and pick
> them to stable/2.22. If you speak one of the concerned languages that
> I've been hijacking the translation for (ca, eo, es, it, nl, sv),
> please consider giving it a short look. I'll also merge the translation
> branch to stable/2.22 before asking Phil for a release.

All items from my list are done (above + fixing the translated snippets
when building in-tree) and stable/2.22 looks good from what I can tell.
So, I think we're ready for a first release candidate.
Phil, if you have time, could you run a build on stable/2.22? I will
stop picking fixes into the branch to avoid any interference (commits
to translation can of course continue).


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