Am Samstag, den 31.10.2020, 16:43 +0000 schrieb Phil Holmes:
> GUB now almost completes, but fails making one of the German docs.  It looks 
> like this is the error:
> Forking into jobs:  (10998 10997 10996 10995 10994 10993 10992 10991)
> logfile lilypond-multi-run-5.log (exit 1):
> ne breaks...
> Drawing systems...
> Writing ./16/lily-ec7f1c19-1.signature
> Layout output to `./16/lily-ec7f1c19.eps'...
> Converting to `./16/lily-ec7f1c19.pdf'...
> Converting to PNG...
> Layout output to `./16/lily-ec7f1c19-1.eps'...
> Converting to `./16/lily-ec7f1c19-1.pdf'...
> Writing ./16/lily-ec7f1c19-systems.texi...
> Writing ./16/lily-ec7f1c19-systems.tex...
> Writing ./16/lily-ec7f1c19-systems.count...
> Processing `./0d/'
> Parsing...
> Interpreting music...
> Preprocessing graphical objects...
> Calculating line breaks...
> Drawing systems...
> Writing ./0d/lily-03b52edc-1.signature
> Layout output to `./0d/lily-03b52edc.eps'...
> Converting to `./0d/lily-03b52edc.pdf'...
> /home/gub/NewGub/gub/target/linux-x86/root/usr/share/lilypond/current/scm/backend-library.scm:282:15:
>  In procedure make-tmpfile in expression (make-tmpfile basename (1- tries)):
> /home/gub/NewGub/gub/target/linux-x86/root/usr/share/lilypond/current/scm/backend-library.scm:282:15:
>  Wrong number of arguments to #<procedure make-tmpfile (basename)>

This points to the code path that is executed in case of a race where a
temporary file is created by two processes. And the error message is
absolutely right, that code could have never worked because it must
call `inner` instead of `make-tmpfile` recursively.
That should be easy to fix and while another execution of GUB might
succeed (mine worked yesterday) I'd prefer to fix this problem for good
in master and then backport immediately. Hopefully I can do that later
this evening.


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