GUB now almost completes, but fails making one of the German docs. It looks
like this is the error:
Forking into jobs: (10998 10997 10996 10995 10994 10993 10992 10991)
logfile lilypond-multi-run-5.log (exit 1):
ne breaks...
Drawing systems...
Writing ./16/lily-ec7f1c19-1.signature
Layout output to `./16/lily-ec7f1c19.eps'...
Converting to `./16/lily-ec7f1c19.pdf'...
Converting to PNG...
Layout output to `./16/lily-ec7f1c19-1.eps'...
Converting to `./16/lily-ec7f1c19-1.pdf'...
Writing ./16/lily-ec7f1c19-systems.texi...
Writing ./16/lily-ec7f1c19-systems.tex...
Writing ./16/lily-ec7f1c19-systems.count...
Processing `./0d/'
Interpreting music...
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Calculating line breaks...
Drawing systems...
Writing ./0d/lily-03b52edc-1.signature
Layout output to `./0d/lily-03b52edc.eps'...
Converting to `./0d/lily-03b52edc.pdf'...
In procedure make-tmpfile in expression (make-tmpfile basename (1- tries)):
Wrong number of arguments to #<procedure make-tmpfile (basename)>
fatal error: Children (5) exited with errors.
The lilypond source file is just:
%% Generated by lilypond-book
%% Options:
\include ""
% ****************************************************************
% Start cut-&-pastable-section
% ****************************************************************
\paper {
indent = 0\mm
line-width = 160\mm
% offset the left padding, also add 1mm as lilypond creates cropped
% images with a little space on the right
line-width = #(- line-width (* mm 3.000000) (* mm 1))
line-width = 160\mm - 2.0 * 10.16\mm
% offset the left padding, also add 1mm as lilypond creates cropped
% images with a little space on the right
line-width = #(- line-width (* mm 3.000000) (* mm 1))
ragged-right = ##t
\layout {
% ****************************************************************
% ly snippet contents follows:
% ****************************************************************
\sourcefileline 3550
\once \override PhrasingSlur.positions = #'(2.5 . 4.5)
a'8 \( ( a''16 ) a'' \)
% ****************************************************************
% end ly snippet
% ****************************************************************
On 31/10/2020 15:16, Jonas Hahnfeld wrote:
Am Samstag, den 31.10.2020, 15:08 +0000 schrieb Phil Holmes:
Fails trying to do the PO make:
phil@ubuntu12:~/lilypond-git$ make -C $LILYPOND_BUILD_DIR po-replace
make: Entering directory '/media/IntelSSD/lilypond/lilypond-git/build'
/home/phil/lilypond-git/build/../stepmake/stepmake/toplevel-vars.make: No such
file or directory
/home/phil/lilypond-git/build/../stepmake/stepmake/toplevel-rules.make: No such
file or directory
/home/phil/lilypond-git/build/../stepmake/stepmake/toplevel-targets.make: No
such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target
make: Leaving directory '/media/IntelSSD/lilypond/lilypond-git/build'
Hm, these files are gone since August. Is that a fresh build directory,
with the source a checkout of stable/2.22? What puzzles me is that it
(apparently) worked for 2.21.7 and there has been no change to the PO
infrastructure since then (only before).
On 29/10/2020 15:52, Jonas Hahnfeld wrote:
Am Sonntag, den 25.10.2020, 14:42 +0100 schrieb Jonas Hahnfeld:
As the title says. We still need to merge the PO translations (see ) and pick
them to stable/2.22. If you speak one of the concerned languages that
I've been hijacking the translation for (ca, eo, es, it, nl, sv),
please consider giving it a short look. I'll also merge the translation
branch to stable/2.22 before asking Phil for a release.
All items from my list are done (above + fixing the translated snippets
when building in-tree) and stable/2.22 looks good from what I can tell.
So, I think we're ready for a first release candidate.
Phil, if you have time, could you run a build on stable/2.22? I will
stop picking fixes into the branch to avoid any interference (commits
to translation can of course continue).
Phil Holmes