> About this question, I gave an answer to Han-Wen. For example, I consider
> objective data that a fraction where the mumerator is not joined to the
> denominator is more readable.
> Also, look at the attached image in response to Kevin (clefs) with the red
> lines. I consider it objective as well.

Also: look at the attached image.
What would you consider more readable? In this case, the more a dynamic is
restricted to its column, the more it is readable (in the sense: it's more
playable because you can better understand what is its corresponding note).

In order to do this, the chars "m" and "f" were put very close.
Also: in Feta they are separated, but they are not separated in the mp

I can provide other examples if you are interested.

Attachment: testmfmp.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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