> On 20 Oct 2018, at 19:25, Adam Good <goodadamg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Could you please show a pdf of your Cemil Bey Hicazkar Pesrev using HE
> arrowed accidentals? And how to make that an option?

One only needs two extra files (below) that define and call the accidental 
glyphs in the Bravura.otf font, which in turn needs to be somewhere where 
LilyPond sees it. On MacOS, I installed it as a global font.

Then the file regularE53smufl.ly is the same as regularE53.ly, only with 
different accidental glyphs. So there is not much extra work to get the 
Helmholtz-Ellis notation, once the Turkish AEU has been done.

Just put the files below in the same directory, and make sure LilyPond sees the 
font Bravura.otf, which is available at
Then compile regularE53smufl.ly.

Attachment: regularE53smufl.ly
Description: Binary data

Attachment: smufldata.ily
Description: Binary data

Attachment: definitions.ily
Description: Binary data

Attachment: regular.ly
Description: Binary data

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