> On 20 Oct 2018, at 19:25, Adam Good <goodadamg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hans thank you for passing this along to the dev list, replies below...

Yes, it is important to le other to be able to follow, especially with such 
nice examples!

> On Sat, Oct 20, 2018 at 4:40 AM Hans Åberg <haber...@telia.com> wrote:
>> Looks great! A possibility is to add a compile option using Helmholtz-Ellis 
>> arrowed accidentals, which would be better for non-Turkish to approach this 
>> music, and also avoid the confusion about the sharp signs in AEU notation. I 
>> made a example of that, Hicazkâr Peşrevi by Tanburî Cemil Bey. It depends on 
>> Smufl, though.
>> Also, you might include your new makam file in the LilyPond distribution, 
>> along with regular.ly, Graham Breed I recall okayed that in the past, but 
>> somehow it as not happened so far. Maybe some of the developers here can 
>> tune in on that.
> I'm currently in an email exchange with Graham Breed about some of this and 
> he also suggested including regular.ly along with though also said the 
> following:
> "Ideally, it would be a function added to the Scheme API so you don't even 
> need an include file."
> Is this doable? We would still need to set our temperament but before I get 
> too far ahead of myself, could that be:
> (was)
> tuning = #53
> %\include "regular.ly"
> (proposal) 
> \eqtemptuning \53
> (something like that)

You might use something like:
   #(define (return-ET ET) ...)
which defines the regular.ly newglyphs and then sets it in the \layout. It is 
also used to retune the standard scales using
  minor = #(scale-scale minor tuning)

I use in regularE53.ly:
  % 53-ET tonestep
  #(define-public COMMA 6/53)
The 6 comes from LilyPonds use of whole tonesteps in an octave I think.

  % 53-ET alterations in terms of 12-ET whole tones.
  #(define-public FLAT (* -5 COMMA))
  #(define-public SHARP (* 5 COMMA))
is just the differente between the major M and minor m seconds in E53, M = 9, m 
= 4, M - m = 5 which is what sharps ans flats later with.

> Regarding the differences in our key signatures, right I hadn't thought of 
> that! I'll go ahead and change all 0/53 to simply 0. As David Kastrup it 
> doesn't make a difference to Scheme.

I was thinking about 1/53. :-)

Otherwise Scheme has exact and inexact numbers, and the exact numbers don't 
distinguish between integers and rationals as types.

> Figuring out all of those key signatures was a mind bender for me.

One should transpose to C major, and then compute the accidentals there.

> Could you please show a pdf of your Cemil Bey Hicazkar Pesrev using HE 
> arrowed accidentals? And how to make that an option?

I'll send it to you off the list, so as to lessen the traffic here.

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