> On 20 Oct 2018, at 03:24, Adam Good <goodadamg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Hans,
> I hope this email finds you well. Some questions for you if you have time 
> plus I want to share my close to complete turkish makam file based on the 
> file you sent me originally plus regular.ly
> here's the new makam include file:
> turkish-makam-ADAM.ly
> the other file:
> shows the key signatures plus tonic pitch for quite a number of different 
> Turkish makams. 
> Everything transposes like a charm! And I'm ecstatic about all of this.

Looks great! A possibility is to add a compile option using Helmholtz-Ellis 
arrowed accidentals, which would be better for non-Turkish to approach this 
music, and also avoid the confusion about the sharp signs in AEU notation. I 
made a example of that, Hicazkâr Peşrevi by Tanburî Cemil Bey. It depends on 
Smufl, though.

Also, you might include your new makam file in the LilyPond distribution, along 
with regular.ly, Graham Breed I recall okayed that in the past, but somehow it 
as not happened so far. Maybe some of the developers here can tune in on that.

> However! I must be honest, I'm not a coder and math often escapes me so, 
> pretty confused by why the koma definitions are fractions of 10...ie, for a 
> pitch of 4 koma difference, why is it a fraction of 4/10 wow I have no idea.

The one who knows about that is Graham Breed!

> Another question would be, what if I don't want to use 53ET to an octave. How 
> about 24ET octave? How do I calculate the fractions I'd need for determining 
> pitch? 
> Does that question make sense?

For ETs multiples of 12, the regular.ly file is not strictly needed. But 
regular.ly works for any ET.

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