Hans Åberg <haber...@telia.com> writes:

>> On 20 Oct 2018, at 03:24, Adam Good <goodadamg...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I hope this email finds you well. Some questions for you if you have
>> time plus I want to share my close to complete turkish makam file
>> based on the file you sent me originally plus regular.ly
>> here's the new makam include file:
>> turkish-makam-ADAM.ly
>> the other file:
>> KEY_SIGNATURES_regularE53_TEST.ly
>> shows the key signatures plus tonic pitch for quite a number of
>> different Turkish makams.
> There may be an issue with your key signatures: The first key should
> be (0 . 0) as it refers to the accidental relative C major in key C,
> which by tradition is none. So I got:
> % Makam Hicazkâr:
> makamHicazkar = #'((0 . 0) (1 . -24/53) (2 . -6/53) (3 . 0) (4 . 0) (5
> . -24/53) (6 . -6/53))
> Whereas you have:
> HicazZirgule = #'((0 . 0/53)(1 . -24/53)(2 . -6/53)(3 . 0/53)(4
> . 0/53)(5 . -24/53)(6 . -6/53))
> Hicazkar=\HicazZirgule
> The only difference is that I have 0 in some positions where you have 0/53.

To Scheme that is no difference.

David Kastrup

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