James <p...@gnu.org> writes:

> NB> It seems that the Japanese docs are built using its own 'build'
> dir (i.e. it has its own out-www build doc and doesn't seem to share
> any of the files the other docs do while building, but I am probably
> not understanding this).
> Are we wasting build time and space with the way we build the Japanese
> docs compared to the other languages?
> Anyway...
> jlowe@jloweDesktop ~/lilypond-git/build $  du -smh * | sort -hr
> 1.9G    input
> 1.4G    Documentation
> 773M    out
> 592M    out-www
> 171M    lily
> 9.5M    mf
> 7.5M    flower
> 1.2M    po
> ..
> jlowe@jloweDesktop ~/lilypond-git/build/Documentation $  du -smh * |
> sort -hr
> 425M    out-www /<--- English Docs/
> 341M    ja /<---- why is this so big compared to the other language
> docs?/

Because if thousands of snippets include a Japanese font over and over
again rather than include some Western font over and over again, the
total size is quite larger.

David Kastrup

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