On 2016/06/13 14:00:57, trueroad wrote:
I came up with another idea.

Remove `-dgs-load-fonts` from lilypond-book default.
During LilyPond and its documents are built, `-dgs-load-lily-fonts`
instead of `-dgs-load-fonts` is used.

`-dgs-load-lily-fonts` means "Load only the LilyPond fonts via

"LilyPond fonts" mean the fonts in the LilyPond data directory.
i.e. Emmentaler, TeX Gyre Schola, TeX Gyre Heros, and TeX Gyre Cursor,

For LilyPond document building,
other font glyphs are embedded to intermediate EPSs.
But most fonts in LilyPond documents are Emmentaler and TeX Gyre.
So their glyphs are not embedded to the EPSs.

How about this?

We would have to be careful none of the snippets or even @lilypond
examples used other fonts - I am thinking perhaps if there are any
'Cyrillic' or 'Hebrew' type fonts. As doc building does actually build a
'snippet' document but not the entire LSR, this might cause us problems
or end up with 'missing' fonts in the snippets. I don't know how to
'quickly' check this and I am not sure if I would (when testing patches)
see any errors for missing fonts while compiling docs. I seem to recall
some fix we had a few months ago where the 'Pi' (?) Character was not
being displayed properly - or something like that.


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