>> Remove `-dgs-load-fonts` from lilypond-book default.  During
>> LilyPond and its documents are built, `-dgs-load-lily-fonts` option
>> instead of `-dgs-load-fonts` is used.  `-dgs-load-lily-fonts` means
>> "Load only the LilyPond fonts via Ghostscript."
>> "LilyPond fonts" mean the fonts in the LilyPond data directory.
>> i.e. Emmentaler, TeX Gyre Schola, TeX Gyre Heros, and TeX Gyre
>> Cursor, in default.
>> For LilyPond document building, other font glyphs are embedded to
>> intermediate EPSs.  But most fonts in LilyPond documents are
>> Emmentaler and TeX Gyre.  So their glyphs are not embedded to the
>> EPSs.
>> How about this?

Mhmm.  As James writes, this can easily break.

I can imagine another approach.  Since lilypond itself converts all
fonts to PostScript resources, why not writing those resources to a
`fontresource' directory instead of embedding?  We could add a
checksum to the resource name, just to be sure that, say, `foo.tff'
and `foo.otf' will be rejected.

Ideally, all intermediate PDFs also refer to this `fontresource'
directory, and only in the last step PDFs with subsetted, embedded
fonts are created.


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