On 22/07/16 18:48, Carl Sorensen wrote:
On 7/22/16 9:35 AM, "lilypond-devel on behalf of David Kastrup"
<lilypond-devel-bounces+c_sorensen=byu....@gnu.org on behalf of
d...@gnu.org> wrote:
A 30% reduction in the final output file size sounds nice. Personally,
I find the prospect of not having 4GB of disk usage for running
lilypond-patchy-staging quite more compelling, and I would seriously
suspect that all the amount of font juggling and merging subsetted fonts
will not just take quite a bit of disk space but also of processing
time. So if we could successfully pull this off and have it work
reliably for lilypond-book, I consider it likely to end up as a real
boon in resource usage.
I expect this to be a real boon as well.
However, without doing a careful study, I expect that the 4GB of disk
space used for running lilypond-patchy-staging largely related to the
large number of snippet files, each of which rather inefficiently uses
disk allocation units. So I'm not sure I see a huge reduction in this
overall disk usage for running patchy.
But this is just a hunch, not a demonstrated reality.
After my last Patchy run (just now) I get this (ive edited so just the
largest dirs in each case are shown):
NB> It seems that the Japanese docs are built using its own 'build' dir
(i.e. it has its own out-www build doc and doesn't seem to share any of
the files the other docs do while building, but I am probably not
understanding this).
Are we wasting build time and space with the way we build the Japanese
docs compared to the other languages?
jlowe@jloweDesktop ~/lilypond-git/build $ du -smh * | sort -hr
1.9G input
1.4G Documentation
773M out
592M out-www
171M lily
9.5M mf
7.5M flower
1.2M po
jlowe@jloweDesktop ~/lilypond-git/build/Documentation $ du -smh * |
sort -hr
425M out-www /<--- English Docs/
341M ja /<---- why is this so big compared to the other language docs?/
233M de
133M es
90M it
89M fr
39M ca
21M hu
20M out
17M cs
13M nl
8.3M pictures
3.6M ly-examples
1.8M po
1.7M snippets
jlowe@jloweDesktop ~/lilypond-git/build/Documentation/out-www $ du -smh
* | sort -hr
50M notation
36M notation.pdf
36M notation.it.pdf
36M notation.fr.pdf
36M notation.es.pdf
34M notation.de.pdf
25M learning
18M internals
15M music-glossary
11M snippets.pdf
9.3M web
7.7M usage
6.7M contributor
5.3M snippets
5.3M learning.pdf
5.3M learning.fr.pdf
5.3M learning.es.pdf
5.3M learning.de.pdf
5.2M learning.it.pdf
4.9M learning.ca.pdf
4.7M learning.nl.pdf
4.1M notation-big-page.fr.html
4.1M notation-big-page.es.html
4.0M notation-big-page.ja.html
4.0M notation-big-page.it.html
3.9M notation-big-page.de.html
3.8M notation-big-page.html
jlowe@jloweDesktop ~/lilypond-git/build/input $ du -smh * | sort -hr
1.9G regression
8.0K out-www
8.0K out
4.0K GNUmakefile
jlowe@jloweDesktop ~/lilypond-git/build/input/regression $ du -smh * |
sort -hr
705M out-test-baseline
705M out-test
238M out-www
155M musicxml
44M midi
32M abc2ly
20M lilypond-book
468K collated-files.texi2pdf.log
jlowe@jloweDesktop ~/lilypond-git/build/Documentation/ja $ du -smh * |
sort -hr
512M out-www
8.0K out
8.0K notation.splittexi.log
8.0K notation.bigtexi.log
jlowe@jloweDesktop ~/lilypond-git/build/Documentation/ja/out-www $ du
-smh * | sort -hr
70M 34
52M 37
38M ef
38M 3c
33M bf
21M f1
20M 8b
20M 4e
19M 9a
9.6M notation
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