Am Donnerstag, den 09.01.2014, 10:13 -0500 schrieb Carl Peterson:
> On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 6:20 AM, David Kastrup <> wrote:
> > Another problem is that LilyPond has a usage philosophy and workflow
> > that strongly penalizes manual tweaks.  Graphically/manually oriented
> > workflows detract from the importance of getting good default
> > typesetting.
> I don't know that I agree with this, entirely. I use MuseScore,
> Scorio, and Finale Notepad (depending on where I am and how I feel)
> for compositional work because they provide ease of note entry in the
> composing process and the ability to have instant aural feedback on
> what I've written (particularly if I'm not at my keyboard to play what
> I've written). Once I have the draft of the music written, I will
> manually retype the music into my LilyPond template because of the
> "good default typesetting" it provides. Now, consider an IDE/GUI setup
> (perhaps an extension of Frescobaldi) that would allow me to define a
> variable for a voice, then pop up a musical staff to enter and play
> back the notes for that variable without dealing with the whole
> compilation process. No manual tweaking of notes, just the entry of
> the entry and playback of the notes, and I don't have to insert the
> notes into the music itself yet or deal with whatever may or may not
> be wrong with the rest of my file. I realize that this would not
> necessarily work for all use cases, but I think for a large number of
> them, this could be beneficial. It would reduce a number of my
> transcription errors without me having to compile, scan for errors,
> potentially figure out where the errors are (depending on workflow),
> correct, recompile, etc.
> Carl

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