On 20/07/2013 5:00 PM, Ian Hulin wrote:
On 13/07/13 20:51, Frédéric Bron wrote:
I don't think ./configure should do this automatically, but at
the very least, it should fail when it finds a guile version that
is incompatible with our source code. Can you please open an
issue for it\?

good point, I will do that. Frédéric

Hi Frédéric,

Could you make the Guile-1 compatibility a separate issue from 3382,
which is about tex-info versions?

These are different issues, I don't think there was ever any confusion about that. Frédéric sent a very clear message to lilypond-bugs about it.

Here's a suggestion: add an --enable-guile-1-compatibilty option
defaulting to #t until the Guile 2 conversion cut-over.

If set to true this sets up the variables you mentioned to be exported
in make.

Once the Guile-2 conversion is complete, we reverse the default for
--enable-guile-1-compatibilty to #f.

aclocal.m4 is the bit which does the configure option parsing,

We'd need new internal variable guile_1_compatibility_b which then
controls declaring

     if test "$guile_1_compatibility_b" = yes; then
        GUILE=" /usr/bin/guile1.8"
        GUILE_CONFIG=" /usr/bin/guile1.8-config"
        GUILE_TOOLS=" /usr/bin/guile1.8-tools"

This is untested but you get the idea.  Model the changes for
aclocal.m4 on the --enable-optimising/($)optimising_b sections.

I haven't looked at what would be needed in the makefiles but this
should give you or Julien a start.

I got started already, see http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=3461. I don't think that we need a guile-1 compatibility mode right now, since we don't even support guile-2 yet and dropping guile-1 seems pretty far on the horizon.


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