Frédéric Bron <> writes:

> I have just moved to fedora 19 and tried to build lilypond to
> contribute to some bug fix to #3369.
> However, when I run a simple example like { c }, below is what I get.
> I guess this is because Fedora 19 comes with guile2, doesn't it?

So does Ubuntu.  That's not a problem.

> And I guess, there is nothing I can do against it?

On Ubuntu, you do

sudo apt-get install guile-1.8-dev

before compiling anything and are set.

> What is strange is that the same { c } example compile right with
> 2.16.2 that comes with F19. Does it not use guile?

GNU/Linux is not Windows: you can usually have several different
versions of libraries installed at the same time.

However, most distributions only allow one _development_ version to be
installed at the same time.  If you are _developing_ more than one
application that compiles with Guile libraries, you need to install the
development libraries and headers back and forth when changing to
_compiling+ for the other application.  But _using_ the compiled
applications with conflicting major library versions in parallel is no

David Kastrup

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