> I read also that:
> "The packages will have to be patched to Require and BuildRequire the
> compat-guile18(-devel) package. Furthermore, they will have to be
> patched (if necessary) to use the renamed autotools macros. The
> patches to spec files and autotools macros are easy to implement.
> Packages that are already built will not have to be rebuilt (there are
> no soname bumps in the compat package) and should function without any
> problems. Only new releases will have to be patched."
> This confirms that lilypond cannot be built without modification. I
> just have to find these "easy to implement" patches... If someone has
> ideas!

I found in the src rpm what to do:
export GUILE=/usr/bin/guile1.8
export GUILE_CONFIG=/usr/bin/guile1.8-config
export GUILE_TOOLS=/usr/bin/guile1.8-tools

that works now! Any possibility to do that automatically in configure?

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