>> However, when I run a simple example like { c }, below is what I get.
>> I guess this is because Fedora 19 comes with guile2, doesn't it?
> So does Ubuntu.  That's not a problem.
>> And I guess, there is nothing I can do against it?
> On Ubuntu, you do
> sudo apt-get install guile-1.8-dev

I have found the equivalent on Fedora:
$ yum install compat-guile18 compat-guile18-devel

However, I still get the same errors.

> However, most distributions only allow one _development_ version to be
> installed at the same time.  If you are _developing_ more than one
> application that compiles with Guile libraries, you need to install the
> development libraries and headers back and forth when changing to
> _compiling+ for the other application.  But _using_ the compiled
> applications with conflicting major library versions in parallel is no
> problem.

I see.
If I build lilypond with both compat-guile18-devel (1.8.8) and
guile-devel (2.0.9) installed, configure is fine and the build process
works but I get the errors when I use lilypond.
If I remove guile-devel (2.0.9) and keep only compat-guile18-devel
(1.8.8), configure complains:
ERROR: Please install required programs:  echo no guile-config >=
1.8.2 (installed: )

I do not understand what to do. How did you say that the lilypond that
comes with F19 has to use guile 1.8?


Frédéric Bron (frederic.b...@m4x.org)
Villa des Quatre Chemins, Centre Hospitalier, BP 208
tél. : (33) 4 76 67 17 27

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