
2013/6/7 Paul Morris <p...@paulwmorris.com>:
> Urs Liska wrote
>> So it looks as we're having two options if we want to provide a more
>> lilypond-like address for the blog:
>> a)
>> blog.lilypond.org
>> Involving remapping the subdomain from lilypond.orgs server to another
>> one (possibly mine)
>> b)
>> blog.openlilylib.org
>> But I would say that even keeping it at lilypondblog.wordpress.com
>> wouldn't be an _evil_ thing, although not preferable.
> I take it that Graham has taken blog.lilypond.org off the table, until the
> blog has proven itself.

I'm not sure how to interpret Graham's words in this regard.  But
while i'd like the domain name to settle quickly and once-and-for-all,
i'll try not to push too hard for a decision if the community wants to

2013/6/7 Paul Morris <p...@paulwmorris.com>:
> Janek Warchoł-2 wrote
>> I already have a dozen sketches for posts, so i can promise at least
>> one post per week till the end of summer.
> I think one per week might be setting the pace too high.  If you spread your
> posts out you could guarantee at least one post per month for the first
> year, and then when others contribute theirs that could come down
> to one every two weeks or so.

Really?  For me two posts per month qualifies as a "barely active
blog" and one post per month is a "half-dead blog" :o)  I think people
would forget that such a blog exists if it was updated so infrequently
- similarly to how we forget about LilyPond Report...
For example, you might've seen my post about crowd engraving
 I already have drafts for another 3 parts, and quite frankly we
(together with Urs) could elaborate on this topic for a long, long
time.  I don't imagine having 1-month pauses between these parts!

> That sounds about right to me, and more sustainable
> long-term.  (We don't want you to burn out on it!)

Thanks :)  However, it actually would be unbearable for me to slow
down so much.  It was already hard (for me and Urs) to restrict
ourselves to post no more than 1 time per day.
Frankly, 1 post per week is the _slowest_ pace at which i expect to be
able to blog continuously. (unless i completely run out of ideas, but
that's quite improbable.)


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