
2013/6/7 Graham Percival <gra...@percival-music.ca>:
> On Thu, Jun 06, 2013 at 11:40:47AM -0700, Paul Morris wrote:
>> B. a more independent LilyPond "community" blog?  (i.e.
>> blog.openlilylib.org)
> This.
> Get it going, wait for it to become something, and if it takes off
> then maybe in a year there could be a redirect (or whatever) from
> blog.lilypond.org to that site (wherever it is).

A year??
I don't understand this reserve.  This is not a financial contract,
paid research or something like that.
What are you afraid of?  That the blog will die and make LilyPond
project look silly?  That's a valid concern but the precautions you
mention seem exaggerated to me.

> There has been far too much futzing around with setup questions.
> The fundamental problem is a social one (will people contribute to
> it), not a technical one.

Agreed.  However, i think that it would make sense to use some
reasonable means to increase it's chances of success.  In this case
reasonable means could be connecting the blog with the LilyPond
website (i.e. put a "blog" entry in lilypond.org menu bar, regardless
of whether that would point to lilypond.org/blog, blog.lilypond.org,
blog.openlilylib.org or whatever).

I already have a dozen sketches for posts, so i can promise at least
one post per week till the end of summer.  I hope that more people
will join by then; we have a dozen active contibutors so if people
write one post each month (or two) it should amount to a fairly active

best wishes,

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