Am 07.06.2013 09:00, schrieb Janek Warchoł:
2013/6/7 Urs Liska <>:

But I have yet another idea that could be elegant if the technical
requirements are met.

If the server hosting is capable of running WordPress, i.e. has
- PHP >= 5.2.4
- MySQL >= 5.0
available, we could:
- Create a /blog directory at the top level of the website
- Ensure that this directory isn't touched when updating the website content
- Install WordPress there
   This is a one-time action of a few minutes, and
   the maintainer of the blog doesn't need any admin access to the server

This way the blog would be technically integrated into (i.e.
wrt search engines)
but could be maintained independently.
Maybe i don't understand something, but haven't we already rejected
this solution because it means having dynamic content which can lead
to problems (and we want to be perfectly safe)?
Probably you're right but I wasn't really aware that this is a definite decision. If I had read earlier what you quote below I wouldn't have made that suggestion.

So it looks as we're having two options if we want to provide a more lilypond-like address for the blog:

Involving remapping the subdomain from lilypond.orgs server to another one (possibly mine)

But I would say that even keeping it at wouldn't be an _evil_ thing, although not preferable.

Maybe b) is a cleaner solution as it doesn't involve mangling with real and virtual domains and mappings. And maybe it's even more natural, as the blog is more a user-community thing than being part of the official LilyPond web presence? Associating it with could make a good pair (provided we manage to actually provide real content on

I think both (all three) options are valid ones, we just should decide soon to have a consistent address for the blog ASAP.


 From an email that Graham sent me privately:

2013/6/5 Graham Percival <>:
Running a server with dynamic content is not trivial.  Just look
at how often went down over the years, or had spam
problems, etc.  I *am* defending from that type of
problem.  If lilypond caused a problem, then the company would be
entirely justified in not allowing us to host stuff there, which
would then require that we found an alternate host.  If we started
paying for commercial hosting, we'd likely be looking at hundreds
of euros per year (including hosting the binaries).  That would
then require some sort of non-profit organization, and setting up
such a thing would suck up even more admin time.

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