On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 3:23 PM, Jan Warchoł
<lemniskata.bernoulli...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> I think this is an other issue.  Due to rounding, PDF viewers can err
>> the placement of the barline by a pixel. This is insolvable, as there
>> is no way to hint that the barline should coincide with the staffline,
>> yet we need to go the end of the barline to get the correct effect in
>> the corners in staves.
> I'd accept this if it were not for the fact that Finale seems to
> handle this perfectly.  I've never experienced any sticking out
> barlines in Finale pdfs, neither on screen nor in print (i can send
> you some if you want).  Also, the thickness of the stems and barlines
> is consistent in Finale pdfs (i.e. it looks like second image from
> here http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-devel/2007-07/msg00076.html
> while Lily output looks like first one).
> I'd say that the fact that Finale does something this basic better
> than LilyPond is a serious insult to us, given how much Finale sucks
> in these matters (for example in flag attachment, see attached).

You can make the problem disappear by

- hard coding the output to a certain resolution
- making the bar go to the middle of the staffline, rather than the outside.

both have disadvantages. (what does finale's barline at the end of a
staff look like?)

Han-Wen Nienhuys - han...@xs4all.nl - http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen

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