2011/7/26 Han-Wen Nienhuys <hanw...@gmail.com>:
> On Sat, Jul 23, 2011 at 7:45 PM, Jan Warchoł
> <lemniskata.bernoulli...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm not experienced with PostScript, but i have an impression that
>> this may be related to an issue discussed earlier - see here
>> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2007-07/msg00485.html
>> and here
>> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-devel/2007-07/msg00072.html
>> I see that something about draw_round_box was said there...
> I think this is an other issue.  Due to rounding, PDF viewers can err
> the placement of the barline by a pixel. This is insolvable, as there
> is no way to hint that the barline should coincide with the staffline,
> yet we need to go the end of the barline to get the correct effect in
> the corners in staves.

I'd accept this if it were not for the fact that Finale seems to
handle this perfectly.  I've never experienced any sticking out
barlines in Finale pdfs, neither on screen nor in print (i can send
you some if you want).  Also, the thickness of the stems and barlines
is consistent in Finale pdfs (i.e. it looks like second image from
here http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-devel/2007-07/msg00076.html
while Lily output looks like first one).
I'd say that the fact that Finale does something this basic better
than LilyPond is a serious insult to us, given how much Finale sucks
in these matters (for example in flag attachment, see attached).

> The one-pixel error is very noticeable on-screen due to
> low-resolution, but on a 1200dpi printer,  a single dot error is about
> 0.02 mm, ie. not noticeable.

I'm not sure whether you are referring to how it looked before your
patch or how it looks after it.
Before your patch it was certainly noticeable enough - even my friend
Luke, who doesn't care that much about the details, said it irked him.
As for how it looks after your patch - I hoped to be able to do some
prints on my choir's printer to see how things looks like now, but it
ran out of toner - new cartridge should be available in next week.
Besides, many printers have resolutions lower than 1200dpi.


<<attachment: sucking Finale flags.PNG>>

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