LilyPond Frogs

No, this isn't my new name for the French translation team.  :)
"Frogs" will be a team of bug-fixers (because frogs eat bugs, and 
you often find them in Ponds of Lilies).  We've gotten relatively
good about new bug reports -- maybe 1/3 of new reports result in a
patch within a week or two.  However, there's still a backlog of
over 200 bugs.

The idea behind Frogs is simple: each person will fix an average
of one bug per week.  You can either fix an existing bug, or
report a new bug and fix it.  We won't quibble over the severity
of the bug; if a new Frog (Tadpole? ;)  is only comfortable fixing
"program errors" or similar false warning messages, those will
still count towards his "1 bug per week" average.  If you feel
skilled and ambitious, go ahead and fix the dreaded #34 in a
week.  :)

New Frogs will send patches to the FrogMeister for approval; he
will ensure that there's no obvious mistakes (both logic and code
style) before they create a codereview.appspot issue for review
from -devel as a whole.  He will also serve as a mentor to
inexperienced developers who may feel shy about sending unreviewed
patches to -devel directly.

I'm hesitated slightly about proposing this since I'm not
qualified to be the FrogMeister.  I have 3 or 4 candidates in
mind, but I don't want to name names since I don't know if they're
interested/willing.  I'm guessing that the FrogMeister will do
about 5 hours of work per week in the beginning, scaling down to 2
hours once everybody knows what they're doing.  That's not
counting the normal 10 hours of mailing list reading/writing,
whatever bug fixes or doc work he does himself, etc.

As a final hint, any doc person who is willing to switch to being
the FrogMeister has my enthusiastic support.  I know that I
discouraged you guys from doing coding during GDP, but that
fixed-term project is over, and fostering more code developers is
more important now.  :)

- Graham

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