Le 29.06.2008 15:26, Graham Percival disait :
On Sun, 29 Jun 2008 15:18:56 +0200

I might review these sections over the coming week, and then make a commit per file if you don't mind.

I welcome the review, but please don't commit directly.  I'd much
prefer it if you sent comments or patches to me for approval.

If you commit directly, you should be *certain* that there's
nothing that I could possibly object to.  See all my hate mail to
Valentin for a reminder about how difficult I am to please.  :)

OK, I just send you this diff file, hoping you understand what I meant as regards to the translators' work.

diff --git a/Documentation/user/fundamental.itely b/Documentation/user/fundamental.itely
index 1e95db9..b146e94 100644
--- a/Documentation/user/fundamental.itely
+++ b/Documentation/user/fundamental.itely
@@ -1586,7 +1586,7 @@ to remind you how these commands are used in practice, here's an
 annotated real-music example:
-\score {  % start single compound music expression
+\score {  % start of single compound music expression
   <<  % start of simultaneous staves section
     \time 2/4
     \new Staff {  % create RH staff
@@ -1608,7 +1608,7 @@ annotated real-music example:
           g8 <bes d> ees, <g c> |
           g8 <bes d> ees, <g c> |
         }  % end of LH voice one notes
-      }  % end of first LH voice
+      }  % end of LH voice one
       \new Voice {  % create LH voice two
         \relative g {  % start of LH voice two notes
@@ -2004,7 +2004,7 @@ staff lines are produced by the Staff_symbol_engraver.
   d e
   \set fontSize = #2.5  % make note heads larger
   f g
-  \unset fontSize  % return to original size
+  \unset fontSize  % return to default size
   a b
 @end lilypond
@@ -2495,28 +2495,28 @@ for the three bars of the example above gives:
 global = { \key d \major \time 4/4 }
-sopMusic = \relative c'' {
+sopranoMusic = \relative c'' {
   \clef "treble"
   r4 d2 a4 | d4. d8 a2 | cis4 d cis2 |
-sopWords = \lyricmode {
+sopranoWords = \lyricmode {
   Wor -- thy is the lamb that was slain
 altoMusic = \relative a' {
   \clef "treble"
   r4 a2 a4 | fis4. fis8 a2 | g4 fis fis2 |
-altoWords = \sopWords
+altoWords = \sopranoWords
 tenorMusic = \relative c' {
   \clef "G_8"
   r4 fis2 e4 | d4. d8 d2 | e4 a, cis2 |
-tenorWords = \sopWords
+tenorWords = \sopranoWords
 bassMusic = \relative c' {
   \clef "bass"
   r4 d2 cis4 | b4. b8 fis2 | e4 d a'2 |
-bassWords = \sopWords
+bassWords = \sopranoWords
 upper = \relative a' {
   \clef "treble"
diff --git a/Documentation/user/pitches.itely b/Documentation/user/pitches.itely
index e96bdb0..67b4848 100644
--- a/Documentation/user/pitches.itely
+++ b/Documentation/user/pitches.itely
@@ -972,7 +972,7 @@ playing in unison.
 \new GrandStaff <<
-  \new Staff = "Vln" {
+  \new Staff = "violin" {
     \relative c'' {
       \set Staff.instrumentName = "Vln"
       \set Staff.midiInstrument = "violin"
diff --git a/Documentation/user/tweaks.itely b/Documentation/user/tweaks.itely
index 5914c6b..df86f58 100644
--- a/Documentation/user/tweaks.itely
+++ b/Documentation/user/tweaks.itely
@@ -3144,30 +3144,30 @@ requiring emphasis.  So instead we define these as two variables,
 and use them as follows:
-emph = {
+emphase = {
   \override Lyrics . LyricText #'font-shape = #'italic
   \override Lyrics . LyricText #'font-series = #'bold
-norm = {
+normal = {
   \revert Lyrics . LyricText #'font-shape
   \revert Lyrics . LyricText #'font-series
 global = { \time 4/4 \partial 4 \key c \major}
-SopMusic   = \relative c' { c4 | e4. e8 g4  g  | a a g }
+SopranoMusic   = \relative c' { c4 | e4. e8 g4  g  | a a g }
 AltoMusic  = \relative c' { c4 | c4. c8 e4  e  | f f e }
 TenorMusic = \relative c  { e4 | g4. g8 c4. b8 | a8 b c d e4 }
 BassMusic  = \relative c  { c4 | c4. c8 c4  c  | f8 g a b c4 }
-VerseOne   = \lyrics { E -- | ter -- nal \emph Fa -- ther, \norm | strong to save, }
-VerseTwo   = \lyricmode { O | \emph Christ, \norm whose voice the | wa -- ters heard, }
-VerseThree = \lyricmode { O | \emph Ho -- ly Spi -- rit, \norm | who didst brood }
-VerseFour  = \lyricmode { O | \emph Tri -- ni -- ty \norm of | love and pow'r }
+VerseOne   = \lyrics { E -- | ter -- nal \emphase Fa -- ther, \normal | strong to save, }
+VerseTwo   = \lyricmode { O | \emphase Christ, \normal whose voice the | wa -- ters heard, }
+VerseThree = \lyricmode { O | \emphase Ho -- ly Spi -- rit, \normal | who didst brood }
+VerseFour  = \lyricmode { O | \emphase Tri -- ni -- ty \normal of | love and pow'r }
 \score {
   \new ChoirStaff <<
     \new Staff <<
       \clef "treble"
-      \new Voice = "Sop"  { \voiceOne \global \SopMusic }
+      \new Voice = "Soprano"  { \voiceOne \global \SopranoMusic }
       \new Voice = "Alto" { \voiceTwo \AltoMusic }
       \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Sop" { \VerseOne   }
       \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Sop" { \VerseTwo   }
diff --git a/Documentation/user/working.itely b/Documentation/user/working.itely
index 0e29d7b..3f75561 100644
--- a/Documentation/user/working.itely
+++ b/Documentation/user/working.itely
@@ -209,9 +209,9 @@ hornNotes = \relative c'' { c4 b dis c }
 You may even realize that this could be useful in minimalist music:
-fragA = \relative c'' { a4 a8. b16 }
-fragB = \relative c'' { a8. gis16 ees4 }
-violin = \new Staff { \fragA \fragA \fragB \fragA }
+fragmentA = \relative c'' { a4 a8. b16 }
+fragmentB = \relative c'' { a8. gis16 ees4 }
+violin = \new Staff { \fragmentA \fragmentA \fragmentB \fragmentA }
 \score {
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