
I investigated a bit, and got some interesting results. Compiling the Bach didn't bring anything new, we can take the new version and it is maybe a bit better than the old one. My actual Version is 2.11.22. But with the Schubert I really did have some problems. I updated the file from git to match the 2.11 series according to the piano template with centered dynamics. But well, I don't like the outlook of the lyrics and the most: stems are partly smaller and one beam is not horzontal as it is in the Peters edition (I had only the one line, filename: bench-morgenlied.png). Should we rather leave the old version (2.1) on the website?

\header {
    title = "Sängers Morgenlied"
    composer = "Franz Schubert (1797-1828)"
    date = "27. Februar 1815"
    source = "Edition Peters"
    editor = "Paul Losse"
    enteredby="Han-Wen Nienhuys"
    maintainer="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

    texidoc = "The source is a rather tightly set Peters in Edition is
    a heavy font. The Peters edition (4622c) was `herausgegeben' by
    Paul Losse, whose name also appears on a 1956 edition of some
    other music. Strictly speaking, his edititorial enhancements will
    not be in the PD - but I am assuming there are no notable ones in
    this small piece.

    The original compresses the entire music onto a single page, in 4
    systems.  Lily does so too if you tune down spacing-increment, but
    chooses line breaks differently.

    Further manual tweaks: the slur in measure 12 has been flattened
manually. The beam in measure 3, left-hand, technically is wrong, but
has been added following the original. The crescendo in measure 4 has
been lowered



\version "2.11.20"
manuscriptBreak = { \break }

#(set-global-staff-size (/ (* 5.8 72.27) 25.4))

\paper  {
%#(set-global-staff-size (* 5.8 mm))
    line-width = #(* mm 160)
    indent = 8\mm
    interscoreline = 2.\mm
    between-system-space = 15\mm
    ragged-bottom = ##t 

modernAccidentals = {
  \set Staff.extraNatural =  ##f
  \set Staff.autoAccidentals =  #'(Staff (same-octave . 1) (any-octave . 0))
  \set Staff.autoCautionaries =  #'()  

melody =    \relative c'' \repeat volta 2 \new Voice = "singer" {
    \time 6/8
    s1*0^\markup { \bold \large\bigger\bigger { \hspace #-3.0 Lieblich, etwas 
geschwind } }
  r4 r8 c4 g8 |
  e4 c8
        \new Voice { \stemUp f8. g16 }
        { \stemDown f8.[ g16] } >> \stemNeutral a8 |
  fis4  g8 c16[ b a g] f[ e] |
  d4 f8 a16[ g fis g] f[ d] |
  g4. r8 gis gis |
  a4 a16.[ b32] c4 fis,8 |
  g4.~ g8-\fermata g8 g |
  as4 as8 g4 g8 |
  fis4 fis8 r8 g g  |
  a!4 a8 g4 g8 |
  fis4 fis8 d'16[ c b a] g[ f] |
  e4 g8 d4 g8 e4 r8 b'16[ c d b] g[ f] |
  e4 g8 d4 a'16[ g] |
  c,4 r8 r4 r8 |

ignoreMelisma = \set ignoreMelismata = ##t
ignoreMelismaOff = \unset ignoreMelismata 

firstVerse = \lyricmode {
    \set stanza = "1."
    Sü -- ßes Licht! Aus
    gol --

    de -- nen  Pfor -- ten brichst du __ \manuscriptBreak | 
    sie -- gend durch __ die Nacht. Schö -- ner Tag, du __ bist er -- wacht. 
__ Mit ge -- |
    heim -- nis -- vol -- len Wor -- ten, in me -- lo -- di -- schen Ak -- kor 
-- den, grüß __ ich __ \manuscriptBreak |
    dei -- ne Ro -- sen -- pracht, grüß __ ich __ dei -- ne Ro -- sen -- 

secondVerse = \lyricmode {
    \set stanza = "2."
    Ach, der Lie -- be sanf
    -- tes We -- hen schwellt mir |
    das be -- weg -- te __ Herz, sanft, wie ein ge -- lieb -- ter Schmerz. __ 
Dürft ich | 
    nur auf gold -- nen Hö -- hen mich im Mor -- gen -- duft er -- ge -- hen! 
Sehn -- sucht |
    zieht mich him -- mel -- wärts, Sehn -- sucht zieht mich him -- mel -- 

pianoRH =  \relative c''' \repeat volta 2 {
    #(set-accidental-style 'modern)
    g16( fis a g fis g f e d c b a ) | 
    <g e>8( <es fis a> <d f b> <c e c'>) r8 r | 
    r8 c'( e,) f r a |
    r8 << { s8 s8 }  << { fis( g)
                            } \\ { c,4 } >> >> r8 <e c g> <e c g> |
    <d c a>4. r8 \clef bass  <d b f> <d b f> |
    e,16 g c g e g d gis b gis d gis |
    c, e a e c e a, d fis d a d |
    b d g  d b g r4\fermata \clef treble g''8 |
    as4.( g 4.) | fis4. r4 <d g>8 ( |
    <f a>4.) <e g>4.( <es fis> ) <d f> |
    r8 <e c g> <e c g> r <d b g > <d b g> |
    r <e c g> <e c g> r <f d b g> <f d b g> |
    r <e c g> <e c g> r <d b f> <d b f> |
    c16( b c e g b c b c e g <e b'>) |
    <c c'>8 r r <c, g e>8 r r\fermata |  

pianoLH =  \relative c'' \repeat volta 2 {
    #(set-accidental-style 'modern)
    g16( fis a g fis g f e d c b a) | 
    \clef bass g4.( c,8) r r
    \clef treble r4 <bes' c>8([ <a c>)] r <f c'> |
    \clef bass r8 dis( e) r c c |
    f,4. r8 g g |
    <c, c,>4. <e e,>4. |
    a,4. <d d,>4. |
    g,8 r r g16 r16\fermata r8 g''8 |
    as4.( g ) |
    fis r4 <g b>8( |
    <f c'>4.)

    \once \override Slur  #'height-limit = #1.0

    <g c>4.( | <a c>4.) <g b,> |
    c,4 r8 g4 r8 |
    c4 r8 g4 r8 |
    c4 r8 g4 r8 |
    <c g e c>8 <c e g> <c e g>     <c e g> <c e g> <c e g> |
    <c e g> r r <c, c,>8 r r\fermata \clef treble

dynamics = { s16\p s s4 s4. | s2. | s | 
        \once \override DynamicLineSpanner   #'padding =#3 %no effect?
        s8 s\> s\! s4. |
        s2. | s-\markup { \bold\italic cresc. } | s4. s4.\f | 
        s2. | s | s | s | s4. s4.\sf | s2. | s | s | 
        s32 s\f s16 s4 s4. | s2. | %So the dynamics won't collide with the 
staff line.

\book {
    \score {
        << \time 6/8
           \new Staff <<
               \context Staff #(set-accidental-style 'modern)
               \melody >>
           \lyricsto "singer" \new Lyrics \firstVerse
           \lyricsto "singer" \new Lyrics \secondVerse
           \new PianoStaff << 
               \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = \markup {
                   \bigger\bigger\bigger\bigger \huge "2.  " }
               \new Staff \pianoRH
                \new Dynamics = "dynamics" \dynamics
               \new Staff \pianoLH

        \layout {
            \context {
                \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-0.5 . 
0.5)%(-0.5 . 2.5)
                \override LyricText #'font-size = #-1
            \context {
                \type "Engraver_group"
                \name Dynamics
                \alias Voice % So that \cresc works, for example.
                \consists "Output_property_engraver"
                \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-0 . 1)
                 \override DynamicLineSpanner #'Y-offset = #0
                \consists "Dynamic_engraver"
                \consists "Text_engraver"
                %\override TextScript #'font-size = #2
                \override TextScript #'font-shape = #'italic
                \consists "Skip_event_swallow_translator"
                \consists "Axis_group_engraver"
            \context {
                \accepts Dynamics
            \context {
                \override Beam #'thickness = #0.55
                \override SpacingSpanner #'spacing-increment = #1.0
                \override Slur #'height-limit = #1.5
        \midi {
          \context {
            tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 70 4)

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