John Mandereau wrote:
Le mardi 17 avril 2007 à 18:56 -0400, Han-Wen Nienhuys a écrit :
2007/4/17, John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
 Han-Wen, do you find the (svg) sources of the files so the relevant
pngs can be replaced by svgs?
Certainly; however, we need to be careful, since the SVGs will be
coupled to the lilypond version used.

Yes, I trust Till to tell us which version he used to generate the
SVGs ;-)

Well, I don't understand that. The examples are partly about the comparison of versions with their according enhancements. I was somehow hoping you might find the svgs of the pictures somwhere. Then I could change the text parts of the svg files (that is just adding the brackets and quotes). They would be stored in the lilypond website sources for the case that somebody would translate it to new languages. But we don't need lilypond anymore at this point: everything happens via the python script to replace the textstrings and the conversion with inkscape.

Also the pic I sent so far was actually just a draft to see how it works: while the music output is quite the same the bracket it much nicer in the "official" version so I would prefer using this svg file.
Which LilyPond version did you use?  I tried to open your .svg with
fonts in ~/.fonts of 2.11.22 and 2.10.20, and it always looks like the
png I sent previously.  I'd like very much to commit your work to, but I'm afraid the system on which svgs are converted
might have a similar problem with fonts.  So, before I push, I'd like
somebody (or ideally several people) to confirm naive-notation.svg
display correctly on his/her system.
Don't worry: doesn't run inkscape, so the files won't get
to; it would be best if someone prepared a tarball of PNG
files that we can upload to before the website fixes get
pushed to

So, I think the good plan is (in this order):

1. Till sends me the SVGs so I commit them to Git
Yes, but I won't find at the moment fiddling with different lilypond versions so I would need the original svgs, if you can find them. Otherwise I will have to wait until a moment when I have time to install lilypond 1.8 and so on to compile the files with different lilypond versions.

2. I commit the very small German, French and Spanish PO updates
3. Till sends you (or Jan) the PNGs to be uploaded to
The pngs would be compiled on base of the svgs and the according translated string.
4. I commit the changes in HTML pages
I guess you mean mainly linking issues.


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