Le dimanche 15 avril 2007 à 18:36 +0300, Till Rettig a écrit :
> I got it working now, see attached files (svg is the source, png the
> compiled version). What do you think, could we make this for the
> couple of pics that are concerned because they contain some form of
> text annotation?

Yes, of course!

>  Han-Wen, do you find the (svg) sources of the files so the relevant
> pngs can be replaced by svgs? I guess there is also still some changes
> in the html-pages needed to make it finally working, so the links
> point to the graphics directory and not to the images directory.

That's only a small detail.

>  Obviously the @.LANG@ part makes the automatic replacement with the
> language code possible. I compared with the images from
> switch/howto.html.
> I am thinking about: lily14-sarabande-correct.png,
> bench-morgenlied.png, bear-ledger.png and naive-notation.png. These
> are all in the automated-engraving essay used. I didn't find anything
> else where Text would be used in the graphics.

> John Mandereau wrote: 
> > Le vendredi 13 avril 2007 à 19:43 +0300, Till Rettig a écrit :
> >   

> > Did you add entries to the .po manually? :-S  This is a bad idea:
> > manually added entries are junked when updating the .po's.  Runnning
> > 'make po-replace' should add the entries for new svgs.
> >   
> Well, so far I added everything manually just for trying out how it
> works. The make po-replace, it appears to me, replaces the strings for
> the actual language, and a make de afterworks produced then the
> translated pngs. 

Yes, it works for for me too.

> > Btw, the fonts are messed up on my system with some .svg files; here's
> > attached what I get for the German picture.  It looks the same when I
> > open the .svg in Inkscape, and I get the same problem with
> > annotated-demo.svg (from lilypond.org sources).  I symlinked OTF fonts
> > of LilyPond 2.10 to ~/.fonts, then tried again with 2.11, it changed
> > some font glyphs in annotated-demo.svg, but it wasn't better.
> >   
> I copied all the emmentaler fonts to ./fonts and it worked for me: see
> the png.

Which LilyPond version did you use?  I tried to open your .svg with
fonts in ~/.fonts of 2.11.22 and 2.10.20, and it always looks like the
png I sent previously.  I'd like very much to commit your work to
git.sv.gnu.org, but I'm afraid the system on which svgs are converted
might have a similar problem with fonts.  So, before I push, I'd like
somebody (or ideally several people) to confirm naive-notation.svg
display correctly on his/her system.

John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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