Le vendredi 13 avril 2007 à 19:43 +0300, Till Rettig a écrit :
> Hi,
> I tried for some hours to change a picture 
> (site/images/naive-notation.png) from the website 
> (site/about/automated-engraving/...) into an svg image and then let it 
> be translated the same way as those pictures of the switch/howto.html. I 
> did the following:
> creating the notes with lilypond and printing to svg. Adding with 
> inkscape the text and brackets. (see attachment, don't mind the 
> different name) Then I removed naive-notation.png in the directory 
> site/images and created naive-notation.svg in the directory site/graphics
> Adding to the newweb.pot the lines:
> #:  site/graphics/naive-notation.svg:673
> msgid "measures"
> msgstr ""
> #:  site/graphics/naive-notation.svg:693
> msgid "staff"
> msgstr ""
> where the line numbers a taken from the svg file, where the word appears.
> Then I added a translation to the de.po:
> #:  site/graphics/naive-notation.svg:673
> msgid "measures"
> msgstr "Takte"
> #:  site/graphics/naive-notation.svg:693
> msgid "staff"
> msgstr "System"

Did you add entries to the .po manually? :-S  This is a bad idea:
manually added entries are junked when updating the .po's.  Runnning
'make po-replace' should add the entries for new svgs.

> and compiled the website.
> Well, I get the files naive-notation.LANG.png in the directory 
> out/site/graphics. But they are all the same and won't get translated!
> What is the problem here about which I didn't think?

Inkscape write quotes in HTML code (i.e. as ") whereas lilypond.org
buildscripts expect plain ASCII double quotes.  Practically, it means
that .svg files should be edited manually before running 'make
po-replace' and make.

Btw, the fonts are messed up on my system with some .svg files; here's
attached what I get for the German picture.  It looks the same when I
open the .svg in Inkscape, and I get the same problem with
annotated-demo.svg (from lilypond.org sources).  I symlinked OTF fonts
of LilyPond 2.10 to ~/.fonts, then tried again with 2.11, it changed
some font glyphs in annotated-demo.svg, but it wasn't better.

John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Attachment: naive-notation.de.png
Description: PNG image

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