Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> John Mandereau escreveu:
> >>> I hope this plan shouldn't involve ugly/clever hacks. How does it sound?
> >> Sounds ok to me.
> > 
> > So, if you and Jan are not in a hurry to release 2.10.1 or to merge
> > fr-doc after 2.10.1
> What's the status of this? 

I expect to be able to send a patch within a week or so. I'm slow
because I'm a bit busy and I have very little programming experience.

> It's important that this change gets pushed out soon. The longer it takes for 
> people 
> see the result of their work , the sooner they get put off.

You're right.

There are still some technical details about the offline docs: how
should (automatic) language selection work there?

It seems obvious to me that links in French pages should point to French
pages as long as they exist, but how does a French reader get to a
French page first?

The quickest possibility is to add a link to French tutorial on the docs
start page index.html.in. That's certainly what we should do for the
next release.

That's fine now for the first translated docs release, but when other
parts of the manual are translated, it could be cumbersome for the user
to switch back to French when he comes from an English-only page and
gets to a page translated in French. So, IMHO there should also be a
kind of automatic language selection for the offline docs. I see 3

1) put in every English page header a Javascript which reads the
browser's language preferences and redirects among existing page
translations to the one in the most preferred language. This is a viable
solution if we could make sure it works for all browsers, which (I
guess) would require to test it with all recent (at most 5 years old)

2) roll a docball per language, with links set accordingly. This would
reliable and wouldn't require too much user intervention, but would cost
more storage space on lilypond.org and complicate the packagers' life.

3) roll a single docball like today, and add into the docball a Python
script that the end user could run to tweak the links according to his
language preferences. It shouldn't be too difficult, as Python is
shipped within GUB.

I'd vote for 3)

John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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