Hello "License Discuss",

Have there been attempts / is there interest in making a network-copyleft 
license like the AGPLv3 without requiring "Installation Information" (known as 
'anti-Tivoization')? I feel there is a gap, and it should be easy to base it on 
AGPLv3. Or, more permissive licenses are also fine, as long as they are network 

For a network server project, I currently use the AGPLv3 because 
network-copyleft is important to me. I never gave the Installation Information 
requirement much thought, but now there's interest from a hardware manufacturer 
to include the software. I have written up a draft of the required AGPLv3 
exception, but I'm troubled by it.

As by the famous Linus Torvalds rant [2], somebody can fork it, and remove the 
exception. If they then become popular, they can even out of spite remove the 
exception and I can't take the changes back. This seems very anti open-source.

Theoretically, I could very easily make a copy of the AGPLv3 and remove the 
Installation Information requirement to make a custom license. It wouldn't have 
compatibility with (A)GPL3, but that excluded GPL2 already anyway, and is 
one-way (because of the exception).

If I do make one, I could offer it for review, hence my polling for interest.

I see MongoDB also tried something similar [1] but failed, but that license was 
more restrictive, not less.

Or, is there simply an existing alternative?



[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Side_Public_License
[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaKIZ7gJlRU

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