On Mon, 2011-11-28 at 14:23 +0100, Alex Thurgood wrote:
> > However, I have no idea how you would enter the strings for a remote db
> > instance, in particular, the parameter separators.
> OK, I seem to have figured it out from re-reading libpq documentation. 
> The URL field accepts connection strings of pair KEYWORD=VALUE, so one 
> can enter :
> host= dbname=mydb

        Gosh - it sounds like an horrific user experience :-)

        Presumably in the star-treck future, having a per-backend UI with
key/value pairs specified that can be presented pleasantly with
descriptions, widgets etc. filled out would be rather nicer.

        Perhaps an easy hack ;-)



michael.me...@suse.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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