Le 28/11/11 10:32, Lionel Elie Mamane a écrit : Hi Lionel,
I want to write up some help about the driver because I thought that while we were waiting for the connector to be integrated, I'd put it up as an extension on the extensions site. However, to do that, I need to write up a little mini-help with the string connection info. I managed to get the driver to work on my Linux 32bit installation under Ubuntu 11.10, but it took me quite a while to establish the connection with the required connstr parameters. As it turns out, for a locally running pg instance, all the user has to enter is the dbname in the URL field, so something like : dbname='mydb' The wizard then goes on to ask for User/PWD combo and allow you to test. However, I have no idea how you would enter the strings for a remote db instance, in particular, the parameter separators. Trawling around the net and in the postgres documentation didn't get me any further, because any of the strings I tried failed miserably with either a failed host lookup, or else a message saying that I needed to add ='' after my colon separators. Could you fill me in please on the string sequence required ? TIA, Alex PS : I haven't managed to build the connector on Mac OSX yet, because configure keeps saying it can't find pq_config. I tried setting the env var manually from the terminal, but it still refuses to see it, so I'll end up having to edit my bash/plist file to get the path in. _______________________________________________ LibreOffice mailing list LibreOffice@lists.freedesktop.org http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/libreoffice