On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 12:59:58PM +0000, Michael Meeks wrote:
> On Thu, 2011-11-17 at 12:05 +0100, Lionel Elie Mamane wrote:

>> Sure I can: the code being *dual*-licensed means anybody legitly
>> getting a copy of the code can *choose* between obeying the LGPLv2.1
>> *OR* obeying the SISSL. I chose LGPLv2.1.

>       Seems reasonable on the face of it to me - the header change
> is fine.  Of course, we have no option of a plus license there which
> is sad, but hopefully over time, bit by bit we can incrementally
> re-write it as a clean MPL/LGPLv3+ thingit.

OK, then. To implement that "hopefully over time, bit by bit we can
incrementally re-write it as a clean MPL/LGPLv3+ thingit", we need to
clearly establish that all future contributions to these files are
LGPLv2.1+ / MPL1.1. So I'm changing the headers *again* to say (with parts
in parentheses actually expanded out, and X replaced by the right year):

 *  Effective License of whole file:
 *    (LGPLv2.1 blurb)
 *  Parts "Copyright by Sun Microsystems, Inc" prior to August 2011:
 *    The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
 *    the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
 *    Copyright: 200X by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 *    Contributor(s): Joerg Budischewski
 *  All parts contributed on or after August 2011:
 *    (
 *     sed /LGPLv3/LGPLv2.1/
 *     Major Contributor(s): [ Copyright (C) 2011 Lionel Elie Mamane 
<lio...@mamane.lu> ]
 *    )

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