On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 01:35:25AM +0100, Fridrich Strba wrote:

> not sure about the internal postgresql though.  It depends how big
> the internal library would be and how much dependecies it would
> have.
I had kinda assumed it was policy to put these kind of things as
internal. OTOH, I now see we have internal mysql-connector-c++, but
not internal libmysqlclient (the C library used by
mysql-connector-c++), so by analogy I'm happy to leave libpq an
external-only dependency.

As to size, libpq sources is distributed (only) as part of the whole
of PostgreSQL (15MiB compressed); the relevant directory is only
932kiB (uncompressed) so we could certainly make a tarball with just
that and put *that* to be downloaded in src/.

As to dependencies, a cursory glance shows gssapi, krb5 and ldap, but
these are all optional.

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