On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 09:02:52PM +0200, Rimas Kudelis wrote:
> 2015.01.28 11:20, Stephan Bergmann wrote:

>> When talking about (developer-side) scripting, is it actually OK to
>> commit modifications to the translations in the translations git
>> sub-repo?  My understanding was that such modifications would be
>> overwritten by the next "import commit" (as typically done by
>> Andras, AFAIU from some Pootle database).

> The process as I see it would be somewhat like the following: when we
> have a big enough string change, which can be scripted coming up, it
> should be announced at least a few days in advance, that on day X time
> Y, this change will land. (...)

> On day X time Y, we close down the affected Pootle project, push its
> localizations into git, then somebody who's in charge checks them out of
> git and runs the script. When the script finishes its work, the
> resulting files are committed back to git, imported back to Pootle and
> the project is re-opened for translation. Once that is done, an
> announcement should be sent to the L10n list with huge thanks for
> everyone's patience and kudos to everybody involved in the process. And
> we all live happily ever after. :)

While I understand the concerns that underlie your idea, that process
is so heavy that we are just going to lose "drive-by" contributions
like e.g. the commits I did in August 2014 (which possibly no one
noticed and somebody else redid most of the work again


Is there a possibility that git and pootle are more-or-less constantly
kept in sync? For example:

1) a git hook (script run automatically each time a push is done) that
   pushes the changes to pootle as soon as they are pushed to git
   (just like we mirror our git repo(s) to freedesktop).

2) the same from the pootle side, as soon as a translator makes a
   change, it is exported to git.

3) There is a theoretical race condition for conflicts (although the
   window could be kept to a few seconds...). In case of merge
   conflict, error out and mail a human for manual merge?

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