On Mon, Jun 03, 2013 at 10:18:06PM +0000, geist1...@juno.com wrote:
> William HarringtonHi All;I have another question ..
> When I am compiling my glibc-2.1.3 it say it says my compilier is too old, 
> when actually it is newer, anyway I know what it needs and I have it.. So how 
> do I say that Gcc is located at /mnt/lfs/usr/bin instead of usr/bin ??THANK 
> YOU marty

 In 'recent' LFS (actually, for as long as I can remember - but
presumably things were different in the old days) we put /tools/bin
at the start of the PATH.  I assume that
 export PATH=/mnt/lfs/bin:/mnt/lfs/usr/bin:$PATH
will do the necessary.

 And welcome to the joys of trying to build old software with modern
tools ;-)

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