---------- Original Message ----------
From: William Harrington <kb0...@berzerkula.org>
To: LFS Support List <lfs-support@linuxfromscratch.org>
Subject: Re: [lfs-support] Trying to bring up LFS 2.0
Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2013 18:06:42 -0500

On Jun 3, 2013, at 5:18 PM, geist1...@juno.com wrote:When I am compiling my 
glibc-2.1.3 it say it says my compilier is too old, when actually it is newer, 
anyway I know what it needs and I have it.. So how do I say that Gcc is located 
at /mnt/lfs/usr/bin instead of usr/bin ??THANK YOU marty
You need to start understanding things are to be done as stated in chapter 5.  
You should have gone to LFS 2.1.5 rather than using 2.0 which was never 

The build process is way different than it was in 3.0.
Your host needs the required versions.  Back then gcc 2.95.2 or 2.95.3 was 
standard in distros. Choose your distro carefully.
You will get to a point where gcc3 won't build a certain LFS version, then 
you'll get to the point where distros moved to gcc3 and then LFS had a bunch of 
Then you will get to a point where distros started using gcc4 and then there 
was a huge endeavor in LFS to port gcc3 code to gcc4 and thus a lot of patches.
After that it cooled down a bit.
Read carefully about the build process. It changes between 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 
and 6.0, and 7.0
William HarringtonHi All;William, I had over the weekend, printed up the first 
sections of versions 2.4 3.0 4.0 and 5.0, And am looking thru them as needed.. 
I did find many changed thru the various versions.. Which makes the entire trip 
more interesting, trying to get an old version to work and to maybe actually 
understand what all is happening.. Of Course to fully do that I could need to 
go back to Linux 1.0, Which, I have a copy of.. I have never compiled it nor 
tried it.. And I am mainly using 2.4 now, instead of 2.0-pre1, that I had 
before.. So once Ken got me straightened out, things are flying right 
again..THANK YOU Marty
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