Hi All;
Thank You Bruce for the Answers.. And Thank You to whoever sent the FAQ
document, I will most likely be able to used it later in the process..
I am using a MSI with Pentium 4 CPU.. Which should be alright for this system..
The Kernel for the Red Hat Linux is 2.4.21-4.EL .. The kernel for my lfs system
is 2.4.34..
I plan on printing up your answers, so I can look at them more carefully after
this email..
I have looked at your answers and so my first next question is -- Can I copy
the init file from the Red Hat linux at /sbin to my hda6 /sbin and if it won't
work, then who makes or creates the init file ?? I will try coping the init
file from the Red Hat system to the LFS system.. Thank You, I would have never
I will delete the init= line in the lilo.conf file at both locations.. Thank
I don't see any Hardware requirements in this LFS book, maybe I'm not looking
in the right place..
---------- Original Message ----------
From: Bruce Dubbs <bruce.du...@gmail.com>
To: LFS Support List <lfs-support@linuxfromscratch.org>
Subject: Re: [lfs-support] Trying to bring up LFS 2.0
Date: Sat, 01 Jun 2013 11:23:28 -0500
geist1...@juno.com wrote:
> Hi All; My name is Marty.. This is my first email to the group.. I am
> trying to get an old LFS to work on my system.. And I am not doing
> very well.. I tried to do a later LFS namely LFS 6.8, but ran into
> many problems, and so I though I would start out with an older
> version and work both my understanding and my compatance up.. I
> printed the book for both LFS version 1.0 and LFS 2.0-pre1.. I
> figured version 2.0 would have the bugs worked out from version 1.0..
> I did look at versions 1.1 and 1.2..
Wow. That's about 10 years old. It will be hard to help.
> I have a 100G drive,
That's plenty of room. We recommend 10G for an LFS system.
> which I
> have installed Red Hat Linux Enterprise WS (Red Hat Linux 9.1), which
> is residing on hda1 and hda2, my LFS is residing on hda6.. When I try
> to boot to the LFS partition it starts to load, but after a little
> while it stops and says it cannot find the init file..
If it is looking for the init file, then lilo has done it's job and
found the kernel and loaded it.
> I am using
> LILO for my boot loader, and in my lilo.conf script I have (for my
> lfs) image=/boot/bzImage label=lfs initrd=/boot/vmlinuz
> root=/dev/hda6 read-only this is at /etc/lilo.conf.. On my
> /dev/hda6 section I have at /dev/hda6/etc/lilo.conf (the folowing)
> image=/boot/bzImage label=lfs initrd=/boot/vmlinuz
> root=/dev/hda6/ init=/dev/hda6/etc/inittab
You don't say what version of the kernel is, but the init line is
certainly wrong. You generally don't want any init= setting unless you
are debugging. If that, you need init=/bin/bash
init is a program, /etc/inittab is a data file and from the kernel's
perspective, you never want to specify an executable starting with /dev.
( I have tried it with
> and without this line andit does the same thing) read-only On the
> /etc/init it has what came with the Red Hat system and I have not
> altered it at all.. On my hda6 I have for /dev/hda6/etc/inittab
> (what is in the book) which is the following id:2:initdefault:
> ca:12345:crtlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t1 -a -r now
> 1:2345:respawn:/sbin/sulogin I am using Linux From Scratch Book
> version 2.0-pre1.. So, my question is How do I get the Linux system
> when it is booting from /dev/hda6 to recognize the files that are on
> the hda6 partition ?? And when it stops, what is it looking for ?? It
> says the it can't find init=
The kernel looks for init in /sbin by default.
You don't give us any info on what hw you are using. I don't know what
the base system, rh9, has for utilities. What you can do though is go
preface of the current book and give us the output of the script for
Host System Requirements. We may be able to advise you further with
that info.
-- Bruce
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