Hi All;
I have looked that the attached document, and I don't see that it answers my 
question.. Am I putting something in the wrong place ?? Or am I not putting a 
file in that needs to be included, for it to work ?? Is the 
/dev/hda6/etc/inittab file being used or is it not being found by the system 
when I try to boot to Hda6 ?? Or is the Linux system still using the origional 
/etc/innitab file that is on /dev/hda2 ?? Where the main Linux system resides..

---------- Original Message ----------
From: "geist1...@juno.com" <geist1...@juno.com>
To: lfs-support@linuxfromscratch.org
Subject: [lfs-support] Trying to bring up LFS 2.0
Date: Sat, 1 Jun 2013 15:51:04 GMT

Hi All;
My name is Marty.. This is my first email to the group..
I am trying to get an old LFS to work on my system.. And I am not doing very 
well..  I tried to do a later LFS namely LFS 6.8, but ran into many problems, 
and so I though I would start out with an older version and work both my 
understanding and my compatance up.. 
I printed the book for both LFS version 1.0 and LFS 2.0-pre1.. I figured 
version 2.0 would have the bugs worked out from version 1.0.. I did look at 
versions 1.1 and 1.2..
I have a 100G drive, which I have installed Red Hat Linux Enterprise WS (Red 
Hat Linux 9.1), which is residing on hda1 and hda2, my LFS is residing on 
hda6.. When I try to boot to the LFS partition it starts to load, but after a 
little while it stops and says it cannot find the init file.. I am using LILO 
for my boot loader, and in my lilo.conf script I have (for my lfs) 
image=/boot/bzImage    label=lfs    initrd=/boot/vmlinuz    root=/dev/hda6    
this is at /etc/lilo.conf.. On my /dev/hda6 section I have at 
/dev/hda6/etc/lilo.conf (the folowing) image=/boot/bzImage  label=lfs    
initrd=/boot/vmlinuz    root=/dev/hda6/    init=/dev/hda6/etc/inittab ( I have 
tried it with and without this line andit does the same thing)    read-only
On the /etc/init it has what came with the Red Hat system and I have not 
altered it at all.. On my hda6 I have for /dev/hda6/etc/inittab  (what is in 
the book) which is the following    id:2:initdefault:    
ca:12345:crtlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t1 -a -r now     
I am using Linux From Scratch Book version 2.0-pre1.. So, my question is How do 
I get the Linux system when it is booting from /dev/hda6 to recognize the files 
that are on the hda6 partition ?? And when it stops, what is it looking for ?? 
It says the it can't find init=    ...
I hope I have provided enought information, and yet not too much..

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