Armin K. wrote:
> On 07/14/2012 06:44 PM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:

>>> I found the error. It's 32bit specific problem only. You need to add
>> OK, does just adding those to the defines in the Makefile.lfs fix it for
>> you?
> Yup.

I've been thinking about this a little.  Perhaps I should sed the  off_t 
values in util.c to change to uint64_t.  Adding the defines affect the 
whole package.

OTOH, the effect of using 64 bit values is probably insignificant.

>>> Another stuff
>>>          -DUSB_DATABASE=0                  \
>>>          -DPCI_DATABASE=0                  \
>>> You can safely add here path to usb.ids and pci.ids ... It won't fail in
>>> building, nor at runtime. It will just print a warning if they don't
>>> exist. That was the requirement of pciutils and usbutils, just to find
>>> the location of such files.
>> I'll do that.  I'll check to see if the full path is needed.

> I would recommend you use /usr/share/misc/usb.ids and
> /usr/share/misc/pci.ids for that. I'll change pciutils and usbutils
> instructions accordingly. Or if you like, we can ship pci.ids and
> usb.ids with udev (ArchLinux has seperate package only for those two
> files) and disable their installation in {usb,pci}utils. That way we can
> ensure they are newer by updating them from upstream rather than relying
> on those that are in the tarballs and are possibly outdated.

That's a good idea.  Having the ids files in /usr/share always looked a 
little out of place.  Adding those to the udev-lfs tarball will add 
about 120K, uncompressed, but that probably doesn't make a lot of 

> I've taken some time and wrote rules to build udev's keymap feature. I
> used the same way upstream does. But, I think it would be better for us
> to skip generation targets and ship generated files in our tarball, so
> we would drop need for gperf and could happily build keymap tool in LFS.

> Sorry, I could not find cleaner way to build it with all those
> generation rules. It's good start however. keymaps and
> keymaps-force-release are taken from udev's (systemd's)
> Would you mind to take a look? Also, I guess we could use some kind of
> checking for x86 before we add -DLARGEFILE ... stuff into cflags. What
> do you think? I will take a look on how to build gudev and gir data for
> now. If I can make your life easier with my current changes, just ask.

I'll take a look.  Thanks for the suggestions.

   -- Bruce

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